Once, I was special.
I had THE truth. I was one of the chosen ones. Through all the richness and diversity of the world and culture, it was I that had it right. Even within the world of Christiandom, it was my people that had it 'most correct'. I knew the people to avoid. And it was us, that were charged with making sure that everyone came across to our way of thinking, and if they did not, we would continue to split, cut each other off and form smaller and smaller enclaves – each believing in the hierarchy of our own 'rightness'.
I'm not going to lie. It's really quite magical being at the top of the ladder. It's amazing to feel like you are the special one. The chosen one. The correct one. There is certain kind of grief that comes when it all crumbles.
I tell you what has been far more beautiful than being special?
Being human. To come to understand that I am part of this incredible tapestry of humanity and that I am not above anyone. I'm just human. There is a seed deep inside each of us that knows that there is something that is connecting us all to each other and in turn to something bigger than all of us.
I am not special. I am human - and I am loved.
Being special goes hand in hand with fear. A fear of loosing your place at the top. A constant guarding of how close you let ideas and people who are different than you, get.
People become an argument to win, or a threat.
What if we are just all seekers on the journey? What if it's not a competition? What if the quest isn't to be the most correct, but to instead fall in love with God? To be loved by God and to love God? And to love each other? What if it's about compassion? What if it's about seeking first the kingdom of God and not our place at the top?
What if it's about love?
"Then his disciples began arguing about which of them was the greatest. But Jesus knew their thoughts, so he brought a little child to his side. Then he said to them, “Anyone who welcomes a little child like this on my behalf welcomes me, and anyone who welcomes me also welcomes my Father who sent me. Whoever is the least among you is the greatest.”